Part 27: Hyaa!

Roxie brightens up.

Well, one of you could say 'please', at least.

I guess she bluescreened.


oh hey a pineapple tree

Buddy is fascinated by mining. Back to Lyndsay!


Lo, Sam unlocks a Wooden Archway and a Wooden Bridge Rail (which looks oddly fence-like). Back to Roxie!


So, yes, red goals everywhere and all Sam has to do is fill them in.

When he's done, we have a small cow pen with two entrances.

And some cowstairs.

And a cow! Roxie has three cows: Annabelle, Clarabelle, and Tuffy.

And a chest! With a present inside!

It is a scroll! This scroll, as we'll see, is meant to be a Learning Experience. But that comes later. First, we need to go report in.

Some day I will stop taking gratuitous shots of Sam's panic face, but today is not that day.

... Buddy, what are you doing
Anyway! Now is the time on Sprockets when we herd cows.

We do this by running up behind a cow and yelling 'Hyaa!' The cow then runs away from Sam in a more-or-less straight line. Cows will also amble away from Sam on their own initiative, but yelling 'Hyaa!' and making them scramble is funnier.

There's one. Annabelle and Clarabelle will both veer off and enter the pen on their own, so all Sam has to do is Hyaa! them into the general vicinity of a gate.

There's two! Now we have to go get Tuffy.

Tuffy is a rascal, just like Roxie said. She doesn't want to go back into her pen, so Sam has to chase her directly into a gate--and the other cows are totally not above Hyaa!ing their butts right back out if Sam gets too close in the process.

Finally, after a prolonged and ridiculous scramble, Sam manages to shove all three cows back into their pen, where they will generally stay despite the lack of gates because of... magnetism or something. Hooray, we're a success.

And Roxie heads off to do just that...

... but what's this?
Next time on MySims Kingdom: We find out what that is!

Video: Hyaa! Goddammit! Hyaa!
Watch as Sam chases cows off cliffs and through rivers and up stairs and occasionally straight back out of their damn pen!